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You awaken with a sense of uneasiness, you notice tightness in your neck or a persistent sense of impending trouble. With so much change and uncertainty all around us, you can begin to feel as though you are just going through the motions of living, just floating through life un-tethered, rather than really living it. In these times, it is very important that you find a way to return to a place of feeling grounded. It is from this place that you are most likely to see things clearly and make conscious choices about your work and your personal life. Try this simple practice each morning, or any time when the swirl of life begins to carry you away from your best self:

Step 1: Find a comfortable place to sit. Settle into the chair fully, allowing your body to feel supported.

Step 2: Bring your attention to the soles of your feet. Gently press down and release, noticing the touch-points between your soles and the floor. Without moving your feet, notice any sensations-warmth, coolness, slight pressure from the weight of your legs, etc.

Step 3: Move your attention to scan your entire body, paying special attention to the ways your body is being supported and the touch-points between the chair and your body. Take your time with this scan.

Step 4: Any time that your mind wanders or becomes distracted, redirect your attention to your body sensations. Allow your body sensations to bring you back to this moment, grounded to the present moment. Do you feel more centered? Present?

This simple practice is very powerful because it is based on the fact that you can only notice your body sensations when you are in the present moment. When you intentionally focus on the feelings of being grounded, to the floor and the chair, the practice brings you back to the only place where you can affect change or make conscious choices to live your best life…the present.