What is Mindful Leadership Training?
Mindfulness is often defined as ‘non-judgmental, moment to moment awareness’. As leaders, it can also be thought of as the cultivation of leadership presence. Being present is quite a complex assignment in a world and global economy that measures time in internet seconds, conceives of the past as the most reliable tool for analyzing and assessing how to proceed into the future, is increasingly interdependent and relational, and dedicates little or no time toward the development of its leaders.
The Institute’s mindful leadership training explores how meditation, reflection, and other contemplative practices influence the development of the fundamental qualities of leading and living with excellence.
Participants will learn to:
The Institute’s mindful leadership training explores how meditation, reflection, and other contemplative practices influence the development of the fundamental qualities of leading and living with excellence.
Participants will learn to:
• Engage innate capacities of the mind to strengthen and enhance traditional business and leadership expertise.
• Allow space for creative solutions by becoming more comfortable amidst uncertainty and adversity.
• Allow space for creative solutions by becoming more comfortable amidst uncertainty and adversity.
• Practice daily applications of mindful leadership training to cultivate mental and physical resilience.
• Meet and/or initiate change skillfully by gaining access to intuition and connecting fully with others.
• Meet and/or initiate change skillfully by gaining access to intuition and connecting fully with others.
• Recognize unproductive patterns, both within themselves and in workplace interactions, and learn how to respond more effectively.

Founder and Executive Director Janice Marturano, a pioneer in the field of mindful leadership, heads an experienced team of professionals. Their experience in corporate, nonprofit and government enterprises, balanced with training in mindfulness and mindful leadership, enable the Institute to offer clients a business- relevant perspective and the flexibility to customize programs to address organizational objectives.
Our Retreats and Workshop, including ones open to the public, are listed here.
Contact Us to learn how we can tailor a training that will help the people in your organization realize their potential for leadership excellence.
Our Retreats and Workshop, including ones open to the public, are listed here.
Contact Us to learn how we can tailor a training that will help the people in your organization realize their potential for leadership excellence.