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Mindfulness and Nature’s Purposeful Pause

By May 7, 2013January 26th, 2016No Comments

It seems as though spring is testing our patience this year, at least in many parts of the U.S.. I, for one, am more than ready for the world to ‘green up’ and to feel the warmth of the sun unfiltered by 3 layers of clothing or panes of glass, and to hear the wonderful sounds of leaves rustling and morning birds greeting the day. In my practice, I have often found time in nature replenishing, and experiencing nature filled with lessons and analogies.

The snow, for example, is a beautiful, although at times frustrating, example of nature’s Purposeful Pause. It allows the trees and bushes and flowers to rest for a while, and replenish themselves so that, when the temperatures rise, the plants spring forth with vibrant color and once more provide shelter and nourishment for the birds, insects and animals, and beauty for us all to notice and to enjoy. What a lovely reminder to find the pauses in our own lives. Those moments that allow us to renew ourselves so we can live the life we choose to live.

We have at our fingertips, right here, right now, the ability to give ourselves a gift, the gift of being fully awake and at ease with our lives. And sometimes taking a walk in nature is the perfect reminder to unwrap the gift.

What lessons do you find in nature?